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How Head-On Collisions Occur

How Head-On Collisions Occur

According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), in 2020, over 3,000 deaths and thousands of injuries occurred due to head-on vehicle collisions. Understanding the causes of these collisions may help individuals avoid them and their consequences. Find out how head-on collisions occur and explore how a Georgia car accident attorney from Hall & Lampros can assist with these types of claims by contacting 404-876-8100.

Understanding Head-on Accidents

Head-on accidents refer to crashes where two vehicles hit each other on the front side of the vehicle. These collisions involve significant force applied to both vehicles, often resulting in crumpled hoods and catastrophic injuries. These incidents also include frontal collisions between a vehicle and a stationary object, which might be another vehicle. The Federal Highway Administration states that between 2016 and 2018 head-on accidents caused most roadway departures that resulted in fatalities, highlighting the seriousness of these incidents.

What Is an Example of a Head-on Collision?

Examples of head-on vehicle collisions include the following:

  • One or both drivers cause the collision due to a lack of road signage or inadequately designed roads
  • One or both drivers texting, calling someone, or using their phone in some other way, resulting in them slipping into another lane
  • One or both drivers operating their vehicle while drunk or under the influence of drugs, resulting in poor driving decisions
  • One or both drivers falling asleep or closing their eyes temporarily while driving due to tiredness
  • A driver overtakes another vehicle illegally, usually when they cannot see far enough ahead of them, leading to a collision
  • A driver enters a highway incorrectly, or drives down a one-way street, causing a crash
  • One or both drivers operate their vehicle recklessly and lose control

What Happens to the Body in a Head-on Collision?

Head-on incidents may result in significant injuries, particularly when the collision occurs at high speeds. Here are examples of the injuries that individuals involved in these collisions may sustain:

  • Whiplash
  • Broken bones
  • Chest and back injuries
  • Burns
  • Facial deformities
  • Scarring
  • Brain injuries
  • Organ damage

How Common Are Head-on Collisions?

Head-on vehicle collisions account for approximately 2% of traffic accidents. They are primarily rural incidents and cause one in 10 vehicle-related fatalities in rural areas. Conversely, 7% of urban fatal car accidents occur due to head-on vehicle collisions. Learn how a Georgia car accident lawyer can help when these incidents occur by contacting Hall & Lampros for a consultation.

How To Avoid a Head-on Collision

Discover how to avoid head-on car collisions by reading these tips:

  • Stay aware. This involves maintaining an awareness of the vehicle’s surroundings at all times, including the front, sides, and rear of the vehicle. It also means being aware of the surrounding environment and other vehicles, such as noticing upcoming hills or gaining the attention of a nearby driver by switching on the vehicle’s headlights.
  • Keep slightly right. It is a good idea to drive the vehicle in the right segment of the lane. This allows individuals to avoid drivers veering into their lane more easily. When individuals drive their vehicles too close to the center of the road, they make it more likely for head-on incidents to occur.
  • Reduce speed. When driving a vehicle, reduce its speed if something unusual occurs or a hazard presents itself. Doing this gives drivers more control and means if a crash does happen, it is less likely to result in significant injuries or damage to the vehicle.
  • Avoid skidding. If a frontal collision looks like it may occur, avoid quick steering wheel movements or slamming the brakes. This helps individuals prevent skidding and losing control of their vehicles. Instead, smoothly drive away from the point of impact, which may involve leaving the road temporarily or using the road’s shoulder.
  • Take care when passing. When passing other drivers on the road, ensure there is ample room to do this safely.
  • Avoid left lane swerving. If an animal or object is blocking the lane, it is advisable to avoid entering the left lane as this may result in a head-on vehicle collision. Instead, use the road’s shoulder or the ditch beside the road.

Contact an Atlanta Car Accident Attorney Today

Head-on car accidents may result in significant vehicle damage and life-changing injuries. If involved in a head-on incident, consider contacting a seasoned attorney to help you navigate the negotiation and trial process. Learn more about head-on collisions and discover how an Atlanta car accident lawyer from Hall & Lampros can help individuals with their cases by calling 404-876-8100.

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